Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In the name of God

In the name of God
I shall lech and molest
Make every day an abuse fest
In the name of God
I shall not let you just be
I'll fight you, beat you, kill you if your thoughts dare roam free
In the name of God
I'll deny you freedom of choice
With hatred and anger, I'll choke your voice
In the name of God
I shall be a moral police
And bully every being my skewed mind sees
In the name of God
I vow to kill
For my understanding of humanity is nil

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


A man almost synonymous to laughter and fun
Whose words and contagious smile could bring warmth like the sun
Left the world, consumed by depression

So, what does it say about our society, or humanity?
It says more than you can decipher
That's because, you too are just human, sir!
But this man was no ordinary
He was a genie, a poet, a fighter...

The world saw and applauded his smiling bright disposition
Did we wonder that could just be a mere illusion?
He suffered and how, but made us laugh till it hurt
Spreading his wisdom through the comic word

When he set his foot on stage
He did nothing but amaze
A performer, an artist and a master of his art in every way
I still remember when I heard him say - "Seize the day!"
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem
Rest in joy, Robin Williams!