Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Kshay made its way to me yesterday through Facebook. I read a bit about it online and had an instant urge to watch it. So today, I was at PVR Phoenix, watching it. It’s the first movie that I watched alone. I did not want to miss out something just because of lack of company. And I discovered two things: first, I was right…one can’t afford to miss such a movie and second, I quite enjoy my company (ok yeah I’m a narcissist, and a proud one!)

Kshay is the story of obsession transforming into insanity. The transformation is so deftly incorporated that there isn’t a time when the character of Chhaya doesn’t engage you. Her mind embarks on dream voyages which will take you along and haunt you with the daunting images. The loving moments between the protagonists are so brilliantly juxtaposed with the agitated times. The simplicity will make you smile. The agitation will stir you up. There are times when Chhaya will annoy you and at other times, she will gain your empathy. You might as well feel sorry for Arvind. That’s proof enough that the characters have achieved what they intended to.
The film is shot in black and white, which certainly enhances the grim mood of the story. There’s an overwhelming presence of Chhaya’s object of desire and obsession; Lakshmi, in one form or the other is an integral part of most sequences. The music is one of the best elements in the film. It takes the experience to a whole new level.
Kshay will engage you, involve you, disturb you and fill you with a sense of foreboding. Congratulations Karan Gour and the whole team of Kshay for such a remarkable piece of art.
PS: Being a cine lover, it makes me sad to see Rowdy Rathore shows go houseful and movies like this can’t even stay for a week in the theatres! And, we complain and crib about Bollywood standards going down! What a pity! There's no dearth of fine cinema. We need to reach out for such art and make sure such movies don't get corroded and die in the garb of "art" films.


  1. Lovely review and I was equally touched by 'Kshay'. Here's my review -

    1. Thank you. The movie indeed left a deep impact on me. Your review is much more extensive...good job!

  2. FINALLY somehow else who has seen (and appreciates) Kshay! ::)

    1. Kshay deeply moved me and made me really glad that Indie cinema still has hope and so much potential.

  3. " it makes me sad to see Rowdy Rathore shows go houseful and movies like this can’t even stay for a week in the theatres!"

    Its all due to mindset of the people which is completely influenced by the environment. What I have observed that, there is very negative and non-enthusiastic environment in our country. There are lots and lots of positive and enthusiastic people, but this environment don't let them to be them, only few of succeed to come out.

    Nice review. :)
